RMT Massage
45 min $125 | 60 min $150 | 75 min $170 | 90 min $190
Our Registered Massage Therapists deliver a customized session based on a consultation and your health goals. They typically combine elements of Swedish and deep tissue massage, myofascial release and trigger point techniques for a therapeutic experience.
Great for elite and everyday athletes. First time guests are encouraged to complete an introductory assessment to determine the best type of treatment plan for you. This consultation-based experience addresses areas of concern so you can be sure you’re getting exactly what you need from the treatment.
Swedish Massage
45 min $100 | 60 min $129 | 75 min $149 | 90 min $159
Relaxing strokes release muscular tension, reset the nervous system and provide an energy reboot. Sink into stillness while our Spa Practitioners (not RMT) use a combination of Swedish massage techniques such as flowing strokes, deep kneading, surface friction and joint movement, to create a deeply relaxing and healing effect on the body.

Massage Combos
For the ultimate Ritual experience, choose a Sauna + Massage from our COMBO menu, pairing your favourite massage with either a one hour Nordic Circuit or Infrared sauna in the private Birch Suite. Times noted are for selecting massage service only.
Nordic Circuit + Massage COMBO
Our Nordic Circuit offers sauna, steam, cold plunge and salt lounge relaxation area to ensure an effective Contrast Therapy experience. Alternating with hot and cold temperatures can be amazingly beneficial for the body and mind, and is excellent preparation for the massage therapy treatment.
Swedish Massage + Circuit Combo
45 min $140 | 60 min $169 | 75 min $189 | 90min $199
RMT Massage + Circuit Combo
45 min $165 | 60 min $190 | 75 min $210 | 90min $230
Infrared Sauna + Massage COMBO
Infrared sauna offers multiple health benefits, including relaxation and warming muscles to enhance your massage experience. In the private Birch Suite, the Infrared Sauna experience includes chromatherapy, bluetooth sound, and a shower for cold blasts to invigorate and detox the system.
Swedish Massage + Infrared Birch Suite Combo
1 hour Birch Suite + 60 min massage $179
RMT Massage + Infrared Birch Suite Combo
1 hour Birch Suite + 60 min massage $200